Monday, July 28





在語言學和語言哲學的研究中,一般有語法學(Syntax)和語意學(Semantics) 的區分,前者只考慮句子各組成部分的排列規則,後者則關涉了意義。意義如何出現?或者意義是什麼?傳統上一直是個謎。顯然,數位電腦以 0 與 1 的排列而操作,一切程式語言最後都可以由 0 和 1 來加以編碼,而毋庸考慮任何語言單位的意義,因此數位電腦被認為是依純粹語法來操作的認知系統。如果人的心靈同樣也是一種依純粹語法操作的認知系統,我們便可以說電腦在原則上也能夠擁有心靈。

 人類的心靈能理解、運用語言,語言則至少包括了意義和句法兩個層面,但那個層面是對心靈而言是基本的?那個則是派生出來的?瓊斯基的生成文法理論主張句法是人的心靈所本具的東西,不管語言的表面形式和結構為何?各種不同語言的人們心中總是共有著「深層文法(deep grammar)」,它根據生成和轉換規則來生成無限多的語句,語意只是附著在語法上的派生性質。如此,瓊斯基的生成文法理論便成以電腦來理解心靈的橋樑。

 以弗德爾(Jerry A. Fodor)為代表的心靈表徵論(representationalism)則認為我們的心靈除了深層文法外,語意也是心靈的基本特徵。這些基本特徵是從大腦的生化過程中所產生的特別功能,換言之,心靈乃是大腦的特殊功能。因而大腦中必要存在相應於心靈的深層文法和語意之「心語(mentalese)」又叫做「思想的語言」。 它依生成和轉換規則而操作,也就是它仍包含語法演算的性質。可見得,這一派結合功能論(functionalism)和計算論, 前者是指把心靈當成有限狀態的系統,一定輸入會改變內在狀態而產生一定輸出,後者則指依規則操作的語法演算。

 瑟爾的理論則主張,純粹語法形式的認知系統不可能擁有心靈。瑟爾指出,按語法形式演算來定義的程式,不管是否能達到相當的複雜性,永遠也不可能使電腦產生心靈認知時所特有的意向性本質。瑟爾構思了一個「思想實驗」,即中文房間論証來說明語法形式的演算不可能產生意向性──即語意性質。瑟爾的論証對哲學界和人工智能學界造成不小的衝擊,物理符號系統論者雖盡力地想在語法運作上建立語意性質(如 Jerry A. Fodor 的表徵論之嘗試),但結果總不能另人滿意。以大腦神經系統的生理運作為模型的聯結論(connectionism)再度復興,同時產生一個心靈哲學的學派叫做消除唯物論(eliminative materialism), 主張我們所謂信念、欲望、意圖等所謂的意向性根本不實在,應該予以消除,我們所有的只是神經系統的運作而已,這些運作被我們假想為是產生了信念、欲望、意圖等心理現象,其實它們是一套人為的語言,這套語言指涉了根本不存在的東西,就像「燃素」指涉了根本不曾存在過的東西一樣,今天我們都知道燃燒是氧化作用,根本不存在燃素,「燃素」這個語言就隨科學的進步而被消除了。同理,科學(神經生理學)的進步同樣也可以消除這一套語言。消除唯物論把這一套心理語言所搭架起來的心理學稱作「俗民心理學(folk psychology)」(不只是通俗心理學,還包括今天大學心理學所研究的一切──只要是用信念、欲望、思想等語言建立起來的通通都算),所以他們主張俗民心理學為假,總有一天會被消除。這個學派最有名的哲學家叫邱崎南(P.Churchland)。

 在 1990 年,美國著名的科學期刊《科學的美國人》邀請瑟爾和邱崎南兩人發表文章對辯。

 瑟爾的論點和他在 1980 年的文章一樣;邱崎南則運用聯結論──神經網路模型來証明機器將具思考能力的可能性。神經網路模型乃是取自大腦中樞神經系統的運作模式,在一個多層網路間,每一層裡所有的神經元均和另一層所有的神經元相聯結,當輸入層的神經細胞受刺激時,刺激訊息便會分佈到隱藏層的每個神經元中,最後的輸出則視聯結強度和安排而定。這樣的模型就不再是一系列的語法符號依規則而運算,而是每單一符號所負載的訊息被分散到每個神經元上。邱崎南認為瑟爾的中文房間論証即使是健全的,也只能對序列符號模型有效,其效力無法達於平行系統。瑟爾則以為二種系統並本質上的差異,仍是形式語法的演算,他可以把中文房間擴大成「中文體育館」、甚至像整個印度那樣大的國家,容納許多人平行分佈操作,其結果還是一樣,每個人照樣不懂中文。邱崎南則反駁說,若如此,瑟爾需要 10 的 14 次方的人,而且當中的每個人不過扮演一神經元的角色,誰會認為單個神經元能產生語意性質?瑟爾則認為數量根本不相干,問題是在邏輯上, 0 和 1 再怎麼組合排列,還是沒辦法產生我們看到「馬」這個字時,所浮現的馬的形像和瞭解「馬」的意義。


※本文原載於 5/20/96 台灣文化資訊站台灣哲學的地平線板
 並刊載於 5/24/96 破周報 38 期資訊鐵板燒版




不過,更引人注目的,是反方向的建議,經濟學應該跟從神經科學。當你能夠模擬思維,能夠read mind的時候,一起都變得容易了。

所以,繼馬克思將經濟舉到一個前所未有的高度之後(可惜這個一度光輝的思想大大失敗了,雖然鄧小平換了一種方式用“黑貓”理論讓它死灰復燃),一部分科學家們正在將神經科學及其附屬品(parallelism,simulation,evolutionary intelligence,social networks, BDI agents)高舉:只要我們完全掌握了神經現象,不單是治療一切神經系統疾病,還可以解釋、掌控經濟,也可以解釋、解決信仰問題、社會問題;總之,以其氣吞山河之勢,小至個人幸福,大至更高的人類理想——一個社會烏托邦,都似乎已經不在話下。



Wednesday, July 23

God, Love, Gospel, and the Anglicans

While the Anglican Church is fighting within itself to put a few things right, whether or not homosexuals can be ordained as bishops, is surely the core issue. The lead, was that Gene Robinson, an openly gay, was consecrated by the US church. The Canada church went on to bless same-sex union. So-called 'conservatives' boycotted the recent Lambeth conference because of the presence of US and Canada delegates there. Meanwhile, parish members of Gene Robinson's church were having a barbeque celebration. A lady, while attending the barbeque, told the reporter that the Gospel preached us to love, not to hate.

How flashy to claim that it's a Gospel of love that Jesus preached. He could have done it in a more flashy way (as compared with what is in the Gospels), giving energetic talks on mega-conferences, doing TV talkshows, giving out huge donations, building up orphanages all over the world - any good deeds we can think of, EXCEPT going to the Cross. This love-only gospel, as many falsely hold, is anything but a true gospel.

Who is the God that we put our faith in? Yes He is a God of Love. He loves us - all sinners, unconditionally. But, I dare to say, He is also a God that HATES - He hates sins. And He is a God of Judgment,because He is a God of Righteousness, and will judge us all at the end of the world. Hence comes the great sacrifice He Himself offered. If sin is anything trivial, He didn't need to pay such a big price. There is no room for Redemption, if people can simply love and be good. No, Jesus came to save, and He died for us, because of our sins.

It's funny to find that even some Anglican theologians regard homosexuality not as a sin, on the ground that Jesus never mentioned it. I wonder, people might be very happy that Jesus didn't mention many sins in the Bible explicitly so they had more 'freedom'.

When Jesus was confronted by people bringing the woman caught in adultery (John 8), He didn't even mention 'adultery is a sin'. He wrote on the ground with his fingers. The result, was all the onlookers felt guilty and left one another. Jesus then told the woman, 'Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more.’ He came, to save, not to condemn and judge. Yet He said, 'Sin no more'. He came to visit whores, Pharisees, tax collectors, adulterers and adulteresses. With His holy presence, He needed not to tell them about the sins they committed. Yet He asked, 'Sin no more'.

As for the Law, if we interpret it as 'traditionalism', Jesus surely stood by it, 'Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.' The biblical references on homosexuality as a sin are numerous, including in the Old Testament LEV 18:22, 20:1-3, HOS 9:9, and in the New Testament, ROM 1:26-27, 1CO 6:9-10. Did Jesus never mention it, as some Anglican theologians claimed? It occurs to me when I was thinking about it, MAT 10:15, 'Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city'. It is a grievous warning, and we can read it along with JUD 7: 'Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.'

Nothing is clearer than that.

This world, is sinking into secularism. Ordinary people, stars, seminary professors, bishops, all question the legitimate position of the Bible being taken as a morality standard. They say, time has changed, traditionalism doesn't have a place any more. What they really object, is not traditionalism or conservatism, but the old and true Gospel, the Gospel of the Cross. This is however, nothing new. The world, with all its armies of disbelief, have rejected the Gospel.

I don't want to be rude, but seriously, if we don't accept the Gospel, i.e., accept Jesus as our personal Saviour, we can't understand God's commandment, let alone adhere to it. We are simply unable to do good. Now, for us believers, why does God have the right to give us the law? He is God, we are human. Why should we stick to His law? Yet we are His children. Father always has some rules for his son, not to punish him, but to keep him from hurting himself, paying a grievous price thereof. This is nothing else but love.

Apostle John said, "Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." (1 John 3:1) He then pointed out, "we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him. And every man that has this hope in him purifies himself, even as He is pure." We are, because God is. It is all because we have the special relationship with God.

William Barclay's "Ethics in a Permissive Society", a brilliant book about the basis of biblical ethics. We can have a quick look of the bible verses, as follows. DEU 5:6, 'I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.' He is our Saviour. And His commandments we listen to. DEU 24:18, 'but thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee thence: therefore I command thee to do this thing'. No matter it is to worship the True God, or to treat neighbours with fairness and favour, there is only one single ground, is that we are saved by God. We are saved from being a slave to Satan, doing evil in darkness. Now we belong to God, and we should walk in the light, being like Him, and doing good through Him.

Not only we should keep ourself upright, we have the responsibility to remind people who err (JAM 5:19). Only love can complete the law.

Back to the news, this time, it takes a Catholic priest to remind them of the danger of secularism and relativism. However, since Cardinal Dias warned that the Anglican Church is suffering spiritual Alzheimer's disease, the Society of Alzheimer's sent in a complaint, saying he offended the suffers of Alzheimer's. Hmm. In this political-correctness-maniac society, remember you can't say words such as 'spiritual deafness' etc., not even 'spiritual death' since the dead will surely have a problem with it! But I don't think there is a need for the Cardinal to apologize or even comment on that illogical charge.

If separation is the only way to preserve truth in church practice, there is no problem out of that. Presbyterians have done that. Why shouldn't the Anglicans, especially after we read this?
The Archbishop was speaking as the bishops emerged from three days of retreat and a service featuring Buddhist chants and grass-skirted Melanesian dancers in Canterbury Cathedral.
Some are sober: a family will break with no boundaries. A union kept by politics but without a common biblical faith, is anything but a church. Those bishops proud of how inclusive they are, do they know what they are doing? The church needs to be separate, to be holy, and then it can reach to the community, this as always as in any other church business, remaining in Jesus Christ.

Last but not least, even when Jesus Himself declared He is the Truth, People rejected Him, saying He was possessed. Dr John Sung the famous Chinese preacher, was sent to an insane asylum by the Union Theological Seminary back in 1920s. There is, as always, a danger for being confident that you have the truth, but we should never ever be ashamed of it. Jude said, ‘you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.' Paul said, 'I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept my faith.' True Christians, fear not.

Saturday, July 19


迷上了聽今年的Sydney International Piano Competition。走在路上,聽收音機;能上網時,聽網上直播。

評論員Gerard Willems,也是鋼琴家,講到他對莫扎特作品的認識:Every phrase of Mozart is God-given. 他也指出有些演繹沒有表達出巴赫音樂深沉的靈魂。

今年的比賽,指定Stage II要彈德彪西的序曲之一。
Presenter提到德彪西不喜歡別人稱他為印象派。她引述Jean Cocteau:"Debussy existed before Debussy. It is an architecture which moves upside down in water, clouds which form and disperse, branches which slumber, rain on the leaves, plums which in falling kill themselves and bleed gold--everything that only murmured or stammered before a human voice came to give it expression. A thousand vague marvels in nature have at last found their interpreter." 。實在是很漂亮的一段話。德彪西的音樂美,是因為他描述的大自然更美。


What's so different between Bach and Debussy?

德彪西固然偉大,人們在他的音樂中只看到印象,看到美,或朦朧,或真切,或變化,或虛幻,但是沒有上帝。你聽到樂曲的最后,常常是嘎然而止,只有現象,沒有結論,no reference to God。或者在他的心目中,有沒有上帝不重要?


JS Bach在每一首作品上,開頭都簽上J.J.,就是Jesu Juva (耶穌拯救),末尾再簽上'S. D. Gl.' (Soli Deo Gloria, Glory to God Alone)

聖經怎么說呢?”萬膝必向我跪拜,萬口必向我承認。”(羅14:11);“若有人愛神,這人乃是神所知道的。”(哥林多前書8:3);“若是他們閉口不說、這些石頭必要呼叫起來。”(路19:40)“我若能說萬人的方言,并天使的話語,卻沒有愛,我就成了鳴的鑼,響的鈸一般。”(林前13:1) “因為萬有都是本於他,倚靠他,歸於他。願榮耀歸給他,知道永遠。阿們!”(羅11:36)


Friday, July 18


“第一要緊的,該知道經上所有的預言沒有可隨私意解說的;因為沒有預言是出於人意的,乃是人被聖靈感動,說出神的話來。” 彼後1:20-21


彼得說,經上所有的預言沒有可隨私意解說的,這是第一要緊的。Darby譯本的翻譯是,[the scope of] no prophecy of scripture is had from its own particular interpretation。他在注解裡說,That is, 'it is not explained by its own meaning,' as a human statement; it must be understood by and according to the Spirit that uttered it. 既然神的話是聖靈的默示,是神超越性的自上而下的啟示,為甚麼我們會相信并且樂此不彼地嘗試用自己有限的理性(還有,不可避免地加上自己的感受、欲念、罪性)自下而上地去強解聖經呢?其實中文的翻譯也很精妙,因為離開了聖靈的引導,我們的解釋不就是出於私意嗎?



那位哈佛大學教授挑戰教會傳統的關於性道德的教導,他甚至走到一個地步,說“the scripture by itself is not a scripture”,這聽起來好像很權威、強勢,不過,當然不是在聖靈的光照之下。既然強解聖經的結果是自取沉淪(2Pe 3:16),這些人干脆就想廢掉神的話,至少把神的話相對化,或者這是立起自己的權威的好辦法?他們否認神律法的權威及其道德規范,要為人的“自由”在“神學”上開路,或者也在為人的墮落(包括他們自己)開路?

感謝主,我們信靠祂,祂必保守我們不失腳,不作那沉淪之子。“... We all come in the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a prefect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ' (Ephesians 4:13-15). 耶穌基督,永遠是我們信心的對象,知識的對象,成長的對象。

Tuesday, July 15



是“假基督徒”,如John MacAuthur所言?

2:2 My children, these things I write to you in order that you may not sin...

如MacArthur所說,有假冒的基督徒,他們并沒有在神的koinonia (fellowship)里面。真基督徒,屬主的子民,是與神、神子耶穌基督聯合的。是聖靈將我們眾人與父神和基督聯合在一起。這個聯合的基礎,就是門徒所見證的“生命之道”(v1);這個聯合乃是福音的目標(v3)。
不錯,基督徒是白晝之子(帖前5:4; 西1:12),主召我們已經“出黑暗入奇妙光明”,指的是基督徒的屬靈地位。MacArthur也反復說,we are in the light. 但是這裡講的,是if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,是基督徒的靈命歷程,是經歷的問題。當我們行在光明之中,我們就真正享受到與神相交。
那犯罪了又如何呢?不得了,v9是一個條件句。If we confess..., he ... cleanses us... MacAuthur的意見是神的赦罪是無條件的,在十字架上成就,經我們一次認罪悔改、重生得救,所有的罪都赦免了。這裡有一個困難,為了避開,他就解釋說這是針對那些還沒有領受救恩的人說的,要他們認真悔改。
神為何要救贖我們呢?是為祂自己的緣故:祂愛我們,在我們還死在罪惡過犯當中的時候,救活了我們(弗2:1)。約壹2:12,I write to you, children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. 是為上帝的名的緣故。不是我們能做甚麼。但是我們需要認罪嗎?
詩篇32,MacAuthur只引用了第1、2節,他進而強調赦罪之恩的一次性、絕對性、永恒性,似乎模糊了約壹9節的條件句。我們再看詩篇32篇第3節,大衛說,“我閉口不認罪的時候,因終日唉哼而骨頭枯乾。”他沒有享受到神的同在。所以第5、6節,他醒悟說,“我向你陳明我的罪,不隱瞞我的惡。”“我說,我要向耶和華承認我的過犯, 你就赦免我的罪惡”。結果是甚麼呢,神的平安囬來了,“你們義人應當靠耶和華歡喜快樂;你們心裡正直的人都當歡呼”,為甚麼,因為神有赦罪之恩,在我們認罪之后,就能經歷得到。哈利路亞!
罪是攔阻我們與神切實相交的障礙。我們領用主的餅主的杯,若不認罪,就是“吃喝自己的罪了”,不但沒有與神相交,反而是遭損。 “我若心裡注重罪孽,主必不聽”(詩66)。倘若我們沒有內室的禱告生活,沒有在神面前對付罪,我們就沒有辦法經歷神,也就沒有辦法活出從神而來的生命與能力。
看到馬有藻對約壹的總結:“指出得救的喜乐在乎确知得救;保持此喜乐在乎与神相交;彰显喜乐在乎与人相爱”( 普通書信總論)。真是太棒了。

Sunday, July 13


LOVE MYF: “业余”基督徒



對了,有一天一個弟兄說我像一個life-style pastorlet(在New Zealand, life-style farming/業余農場主很流行,想種地就種,不想就不種),應該是批評我做小組長的態度不夠認真罷。
1 Pe 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
1 Co 9:24 Know you not that they who run in a race run all, but one receives the prize? So run, that you may obtain.
所以,要Press on,一起努力奔跑!

Friday, July 11

My heart and my flesh cries out for the living God

This is the 2nd time that I attended the AACC Mandarin Youth Group's bible study. Today's material is Deuteronomy 12. Many people turned up, even a bit to the surprise of the group leader (Tom).
A very nice and warm gathering for the night. Good sharings too.
Francis led the study. He cited the entire Psalm 94 as an encouraging conclusion.
The 2nd verse caught me: 'My heart and my flesh cries out for the living God'.
Martin Luther, I read somewhere, once wondered at this verse, saying that it is hard to fully comprehend the longing in the Psalmist.
He wrote the following hymn, which I hope I can find the script and learn to sing it:

Out of the Depths

Out of the depths I cry to Thee;
Lord, hear me, I implore Thee!
Bend down Thy gracious ear to me;
I lay my sins before Thee.
If Thou rememberest each misdeed,
If each should have its rightful meed,
Who may abide Thy presence?

Thou grantest pardon through Thy love;
Thy grace alone availeth;
Our works could ne’er our guilt remove;
Yea, e’en the best life faileth.
For none may boast himself of aught,
But must confess Thy grace hath wrought
Whate’er in him is worthy.

And thus my hope is in the Lord,
And not in my own merit;
I rest upon His faithful Word
To them of contrite spirit.
That He is merciful and just,
Here is my comfort and my trust;
His help I wait with patience.

Oh how I miss singing these old hymns, like 'How can it be that I should gain'. It's a pity to see that many overseas Chinese churches favour perhaps too much using 'modern' hymns and almost are giving up the treasures of traditional hymns. How sad. Why shall we simply trade true worship and, especially 'singing with understanding', for emotional satisfaction only? The tune may be trendy, and the beats can be exciting, but after leaving the service, how much do we still remember what we sang, and how often does a song lead us to the true feeling of the presence of our Lord, impossible unless through a deep penitence of our sins?
Let's pray that our Christian songwriters get the true inspiration from above and write more life-touching, not just emotion-arousing, hymns.
"Praise you the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints'. Psalm 149:1